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The trivy scraper uses Trivy to scan for security vulnerabilities & misconfigurations in your configuration. At the moment, there's only support for scanning Kubernetes objects.

  - version: '0.40.0'
      namespace: production

Unlike other scrapers, this one does not scape new configs but rather look for security vulnerabilities in the existing configs. This scrapper, if configured to scan a kubernetes cluster, will map all the found vulnerabilities to the corresponding config item.

Config Insights generated by Trivy Scraper Fig: Config Insights generated by Trivy Scraper

Config Insights generated by Trivy Scraper Fig: A detailed view of the analysis on the postgres container


Field Description Scheme Required
id A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the ID for the resource. string true
name A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the Name for the resource. Default value is the id. string false
items A JSONPath expression to use to extract individual items from the resource string false
type A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the type for the resource. string true
transform Specify field to transform result. Transform false
format Format of config item, defaults to JSON, available options are JSON. string false
timestampFormat TimestampFormat is a Go time format string used to parse timestamps in createFields and DeletedFields. If not specified, the default is RFC3339. string false
version Specify the Trivy version to use. (default 0.40.0) string false
compliance compliance report to generate
(k8s-nsa, k8s-cis, k8s-pss-baseline, k8s-pss-restricted).
string false
ignoredLicenses specify a list of license to ignore. []string false
ignoreUnfixed display only fixed vulnerabilities. bool false
licenseFull eagerly look for licenses in source code headers and license files. bool false
severity severities of security issues to be displayed (comma separated)
string false
vulnType comma-separated list of vulnerability types (comma separated)
(default "os,library").
string false
kubernetes Specify the trivy option to scan kubernetes objects. K8sOptions true


Trivy Options consist of selected few flags that are passed on to trivy.

Field Description Scheme Required
components Specify which components to scan
(default workload, infra).
[]string false
kubeconfig Specify the kubeconfig file path to use as a static value or as a JSONPath expression. string false
namespace Specify a namespace to scan. string true
context Specify a context to scan. string false