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Health Checks

Health checks emit 2 events

  1. check.passed
  2. check.failed

Environment variables

Field Description Schema Optional
canary The parent canary object Canary
check The check Check
agent Agent details (if applicable) Agent true
status Check status details CheckStatus
permalink A link to the health check string


Field Description Schema Optional
id The id of the canary uuid
name The name of the canary string
namespace The namespace of the canary string
agent_id The agent id of the canary string
labels The labels of the canary map[string]string true
source The source of the canary string
created_at The created at of the canary string
updated_at The updated at of the canary string
deleted_at The deleted at of the canary string true


Field Description Schema Optional
id The id of the check uuid
type The type of the check string
name The name of the check string
labels The labels of the check map[string]string true
description The description of the check string
status Check status details string
severity The severity of the check string true
uptime The past 1 hour uptime summary Uptime true
latency The past 1 hour latency summary Latency true
transformed Whether the check has been transformed bool
last_runtime The last runtime of the check time.Time true
next_runtime The next runtime of the check time.Time true
last_transition_time The last transition time of the check time.Time true
created_at The created at of the check time.Time
updated_at The updated at of the check time.Time
deleted_at The deleted at of the check time.Time true


Field Description Schema Optional
passed The number of checks that passed int
failed The number of checks that failed int
p100 The percentage of checks that passed float64
last_pass The last time a check passed time.Time true
last_fail The last time a check failed time.Time true


Field Description Schema Optional
p99 The latency of the check float64 true
p97 The latency of the check float64 true
p95 The latency of the check float64 true
rolling1h The latency of the check float64


Field Description Schema Optional
id The id of the agent uuid
name The name of the agent string
description Short description of the agent string

Check Status

Field Description Schema Optional
check_id The id of the check associated with this status uuid
status The status of the check bool
invalid Whether the check errored out bool
time The time of the check string
duration The duration of the check int
message The success message of the check string
error The error of the check in case of failure string
created_at The created at of the check time.Time